Ffmpeg rtsp x264 to mjpeg
Ffmpeg rtsp x264 to mjpeg

ffmpeg rtsp x264 to mjpeg

its being logged to a file, so i dont think thats his issue. although it sounds like you just need to make your terminal wider i want to see the stats and how much it took ffmpeg in total to re-encode the file, but not the intermediate progress i have cron'ed it and it fills up my logs with lines like "size= 1344kB time=00:01:08.00 bitrate= 161.9kbits/s speed=1.06x" how can i prevent ffmpeg from printing the progress lines? furq: I've added -loop 1 and now it's rendering it far past the duration of the song and if it is that old you should upgrade also you shouldn't need -strict -2 any more unless your ffmpeg is really old otherwise you'll just end up with one frame in the output Is it because the input is a single file? When I add any animation, it doesn't happen. I have tried animating text here but can't: it would be great if i could cut out the silent segments from my aac stream without having to re-encode the audio, but this is good enough I'm wondering if I could make some kind of a script that would cut all audio files timecode, leaving the encoding alone, but there's several points in a single file, 3 or 4 Quenz: -vf goes before the output filename Here's the full terminal log for the command I'm trying to convert a gif to an mp4, using "ffmpeg -i input.gif -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 -vf scale=1200:-2", but got the error "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height" but what is the flag I should be looking for in ffprobe output? So far I have not seen anything there that tells me its different frame from the rest gives you JSON you can parse with some script ffprobe -of json -show_streams -show_packets FILE

ffmpeg rtsp x264 to mjpeg

so, if I get that frame, that is a random access point, I can cut down the video at that point witout borked pictures. random access point is something that specifies that that as you start decoding from it, all frames following it in presentation order can be successfully decoded keyframes just mean that that specific frame can be decoded given the decoder initializer data (which might or might not be required depending on the A/V format) Next message (by thread): ffmpeg-devel.log.20180322.Previous message (by thread): ffmpeg-devel.log.20180321.

Ffmpeg rtsp x264 to mjpeg